Official Santa Fe Menu Magazine Questionnaire

Thank you for participating in the 2025-2026 Official Santa Fe Menu Magazine. Use this form to submit all of the details and content TOURISM Santa Fe requires to build your unique featured Guide page(s). Please enter the details and provide the content requested.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Dining Guide Menu Mockups

* Indicates a required field.

Contact Details

Previous Year's Advertiser?

Are you a 2023-24 Menu Magazine participant that would like to make only slight changes to your featured page? Check the box below, and we'll contact you. Click here to see the 2023-24 Menu Magazine for reference.



Select Your Participation Rate

Both options include logo, up to 4 images per page, standard menu, physical address, social media outlets, phone, website, neighborhood, up to 50 descriptive words.


Click on the sample menu graphic above to see a larger example of the Single Page and Double Page features.

Restaurant Details

Up to 50 words to describe the overriding character, e.g., chef’s attention to local ingredients, elegant ambiance, family-style plating; or to feature a highlight like happy hour, musical acts.

Food Category

Social Media Handles

Please submit up to three social media outlets to include with your listing.

Menu Upload

Upload sample, signature, or non-seasonal menu with pricing in Word or PDF 

- single-page features 340 words

- double-page feature 680 words


* Indicates a required field.

NOTE: You will be prompted to upload your assets (logo and imagery) after you submit this form.