Santa Fe Menu Magazine Bulk Order Form

(For Local Business Only)


Place a bulk order for the Menu Magazine using the form below.

View the Digital Edition of the 2024-2025 Menu Magazine

Menu Magazine Bulk Order Form (For Businesses Only)

This order form is for Bulk Orders only. If you submit this form, you are ordering a minimum of 70 Menu Magazines.

The minimum order is 1 box = 70 Menu Magazines.

*PICK-UP: We will notify you when the order is ready for pick-up. *DELIVERY: Allow 3-5 business days for your order to be delivered to the address you provide below. *BY MAIL: Only available outside of Santa Fe County.


Boxes that need to be mailed will be sent via UPS. No P.O Boxes. We will not mail to businesses within Santa Fe County. Please select the Pick-Up or Drop-Off option above.

* Indicates a required field.